Home to our APK and OPKG repositories for easily installing Meshtastic on OpenWRT-supported routers.
If you’re looking for the package source code, check out meshtastic/openwrt.
(master branch)24.10
and 23.05
support coming soon.
This repository is currently hosted on GitHub Pages. If you have problems accessing this repo or access to GitHub may be blocked in your country, skip to the Add repository to your OpenWrt device (jsDelivr)
sections. Both repositories use HTTPS protocol and require one of the SSL support packages to be installed on your router.
(master) builds. For stable OpenWRT versions see OPKG
echo "https://openwrt.meshtastic.org/main/$(cat /etc/apk/arch)/packages.adb" > /etc/apk/repositories.d/meshtastic.list
wget https://openwrt.meshtastic.org/meshtastic-apk.pem -O /etc/apk/keys/meshtastic-apk.pem
apk update
Only use in regions where GitHub is blocked 🇨🇳
echo "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/meshtastic/openwrt-repo/main/$(cat /etc/apk/arch)/packages.adb" > /etc/apk/repositories.d/meshtastic.list
wget https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/meshtastic/openwrt-repo/meshtastic-apk.pem -O /etc/apk/keys/meshtastic-apk.pem
apk update
Please note that there may be delay in jsDelivr CDN cache updates compared to the repo at GitHub which may cause apk
to pull older files and/or complain about wrong signature.
Used in stable versions of OpenWRT. 24.10
, 23.05
OPKG repo coming soon! Follow backport progress at meshtastic/openwrt.
Only use in regions where GitHub is blocked 🇨🇳
Please note that there may be delay in jsDelivr CDN cache updates compared to the repo at GitHub which may cause opkg
to pull older files and/or complain about wrong signature.